• Serbian Biochemical Society

Serbian Biochemical Society


XIII conference of the Serbian Biochemical Society

XIII Conference of the Serbian Biochemical Society "Amplifying Biochemistry Concepts" will be held on 19-20. September 2024 in Kragujevac. You can find more information about the program, registration and submission of abstracts at the following link.

Lecture by Prof. Ćirković Veličković at the 48th FEBS Congress

Prof. Tanja Ćirković Veličković, a full professor at our faculty and a corresponding member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU), delivered a lecture at the 48th FEBS Congress titled "Microplastics and Proteins Interplay in Food and Environment." The lecture was well-attended and sparked an interesting discussion.

The congress also featured participation from Prof. Dr. Milica Popović (Member Society Representatives) and Prof. Dr. Natalija Polović (Integration and Networking Committee), as well as a significant number of junior researchers with poster presentations. All junior participants were recipients of FEBS scholarships: "Young Scientific Forum" (Nikolina Sibinčić, Marija Nenadović, Jelena Spremo, and Tamara Tomanić) and "Bursary" (Sofija Bekić, Elvira Vukašinović, Tatjana Čelić, Jelica Milošević, Isidora Protić-Rosić, Natalija Andrejević, Zorana Lopandić, and Tamara Lujić).

Congratulations to the society members on a successful conference!

Official Journal of the Serbian Association for Cancer Research

Oncology Insights is a yearly oncological open-access peer-reviewed journal that publishes new research from different areas of oncology. It strives to provide a platform for the exchange of cutting-edge research and knowledge in the field of oncology. This journal aims to advance the understanding, prevention, diagnosis and treatment through the dissemination of high-quality scientific discoveries. The journal applies a fair and accurate peer review process, employing single-blind review methodologies. Acceptance of manuscripts is based on their scientific merit, originality, clarity, and contribution to the field.

Decoding Science: Neurons and Synapses

In the scientific edition broadcasted on RTS, Dragomir Milovanović, a former student of Biochemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry, talked about neuroscience and research on synapses.
Dragomir id a Group leader at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Research Site at Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, DE. The laboratory focuses on the biophysical foundations of protein and organelle organization in synapses of healthy neurons and in the context of neurodegenerative diseases.
In addition to several grants from the German Science Foundation, Dragomir is the coordinator of the so-called Human Frontier Science Program on researching the role of RNA granules in neuroinflammation and an ERC grant aimed at understanding the mechanisms regulating the interaction of molecular condensates and membrane organelles in cells.

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